If you haven't heard her, do yourself a quick fav and watch her latest performance:
Now I'm by no means saying the girl isn't talented, she really is. But there are artist's out there already with a similar sound, so when people tell me she has a unique sound (the morning show Radio Dj's in this particular instance) I want to flip out. The 2nd blunder in the same sentence, is stating how the US have things right with cultivating young American talent, then they mention "The Biebs" Justin Bieber - Uh hello guys, he is Canadian! Wrong example to use.
The truth is there are many many talented performers out there, the difference between getting discovered or not....is timing.
Being at the right place at the right time, can and will make or break an artist or band. As a qualified Producer myself, with a small independent Production Company, I am fully aware of the greatness that lies out there, it's all about cultivating it. I love finding new talent and working with independent musicians. Here are a few female vocalists, who may not be as "well known" but still have the talent and very similar vocal stylings.
From the US
(I'm talking about her voice here folks)
Melanie Martinez - Mad Hatter
UK Based Singers:
Kate Nash - Foundations
Imogen Heap - Hear me Out (Also known as Frou Frou she was in the Duo)
From Canada
Sarah McLachlan - Angel (One of my all time favourites)
In fact if we rewind to the nineties and earlier, we can look at artists, like Jewel, K's Choice, Lene Marlin, Michelle Branch, Bethany Joy Lenz, Kate Vogel, to name a few this vocal style was and remains loved! - I think I've made my point.
Suddenly Liezl V is telling me(she does traffic on KFM) that a mains water pipe has burst just outside the building I work, and even better the entire block is closed off -this presented several wonderful little "challenges" for me. Why did I use qoutes, so you can sense the sarcasm dripping from my lips.
Challenge one would be that there would be traffic or should I say, more traffic than usual & two, I would either not be able to get to my designated parking area at all, or it would take a small miracle to get to it. When I eventually got to the turn off, I was met with a complete road closure, I had to circle round the block and attempt to reach it from the other side - nope also sealed. Okay I know what you're thinking, just find street parking...No people this is Cape Town, motorists here have no respect for road rules, they make 'em as they go along. those beautiful Red and Yellow lines, they're for decoration "to brighten your day" what I'm saying is that every possible place to park a car is already taken, including the illegal spots.

Not the ideal way to start the day, but alas we plunder on. On Wednesday's I don't take a lunch break so that I can leave early and attend a Pilates class at my gym. This also means that I don't get my 2km walk in over lunch, which FYI I already had to skip on Monday cause no one was in the office but me - my step goal is suffering this week. Bleh.

She chucked it!!!!! ARGH ARGH ARGH - ANGRY BIRDS FACE.
Now we start again, look I can see and feel a difference in my tightest clothing and there has been a small drop in weight(from what I remember) but I don't get to phased about the numbers on the scale(mainly because muscle weighs more than fat), to me it's more about centimeter loss, overall BMI and optimizing my health. So...I will weigh and measure myself in the morning on an empty stomach and then have my official first weigh in and measure in 2 weeks time. Such a buzzkill.
Day 15 - Food Diary
Water: 2l
Tea: 1 Cup Rooibos Tea, (2 tea bags), 1 Brown Sugar, Milk
Coffee: 2 Cups, 1 Brown Sugar, Milk Special Coffee: 1 Nescafe Vanilla Latte
Breakfast - Apple
Mid morning Snack: 80g Yoghurt
Lunch - Beef Stroganoff & Cauliflower Rice (made last night)
Afternoon Snack - None
Dinner - Lemon Butter Chicken & Broccoli with Cheese (5-8min cooking time)
I was in a rush today with dinner so it was short and sweet, quite possibly even a bit boring. The key is to use spices of your choice on your chicken after it has been steamed.
100-200g Broccoli
100g Chicken Breast (Deboned & Skinless)
40g Cheese
Spices of your choice - I used oregano, vegetable spice
Fresh Lemon
My Dipping Sauce : Paarlman's Blue Cheese Salad Dressing
Today I leave you with some inspiration and a laugh. Ciao

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