Tuesday 23 August 2016

Whoop there it is! #Day13

Today was a, less than blue Monday, I was on my Ace in the office, which is quite fun cause then I can sing without judgement, lol, not that I don’t sing when they’re here, I do, but I suppose the volume is turned down.  The only downside when your at the office alone is that you can’t go on lunch or for me, my 2km lunch time party stroll. This impacts my step goal heavily and I actually look forward to going on it, besides I've perfected my soundtrack for it, gotta test that baby out!!!

I have had a burning question on my mind lately and yes, it’s very random: Do construction companies give preferential rates during Winter? Why the hell am I asking that? Well it’s simple, I have been in Cape Town for a few month’s now and during the course of the last 2 months i.e Winter Month’s there have been 5 companies in our building altering their offices. Yes people I said 5!  It is such a blatant disregard for the businesses around them, I mean seriously, if you are on the Body Corporate for a massive building with multiple tenants who operate in various industries, from lets say 9AM-5PM(Keeping it casual as this is Cape Town). Surely out of respect for your tenants, you will ensure that only 1 unit at a time gets to do upgrades, or at the most 2 at opposite ends of the building. We have 5 that are currently building and breaking, it’s absolutely detrimental to our business as we do a lot of client sourcing and business development on a daily basis. If your client or prospect can’t hear what you’re saying or vice versa it really makes things tricky – and is generally not a great first impression.

To crown this incessant behaviour we have just received another bloody notice for a 6th company who will be starting their alterations tomorrow – these are set to take 2 weeks to complete! For crying in a bucket people, 8-12 weeks of non-stop construction is outright ludicrous.

If these are not cosmetic in nature, but rather vital/structural upgrades then surely  the Body Corporate would be doing them personally. I don’t know I just feel that this blatant disregard for your fellow tenants is shocking. Surely in the 21st Century some sort of concession can be made with the contractors to do the most noise polluting tasks at particular times – then at least productivity is not continuously interrupted. 

I suppose in an ideal world, Truckers, Construction, Road Works there's more but today these 3 in particular come to mind - all the various laborious things that annoy the rest of society can start working at other hours than the rest of the world. Wouldn’t that make more sense ??? I know what your thinking but then they should charge more – my answer, not necessarily. I'm not saying it wouldn't suck for them to now work different times, but hey a lot of jobs require odd hours.

Broadcasters, Performers, Security, Traders, Pilots, Air Hostesses, Delivery Services, Police, Doctors, Emergency Service Workers, Taxi's, Musicians,DJ's,(Radio/Club), Producers, Directors, Actors/Actresses Barmen, Waiters, the list is long people, I'm just backing my sentiment that odd working hours are an everyday part of the world already.
If you look at these jobs all of them work odd hours and believe you me they don’t get time and a half when they happen to have to work the night shift or the early breakfast show.  How many accidents involving large vehicles have claimed lives on our roads, or caused complete chaos in peak hour traffic.

Have you ever tried getting home at 5PM in Jhb just to find roads are being painted? Yes I kid you not, peak hour traffic held up because you can’t drive over the wet paint. Hellooo South African Road Works - try painting them at 10:00AM by midday they’ll be dry, yes that is before the lunch rush and guess what, the morning rush is unaffected because they left home and got to work between 6-9AM.

Unfortunately I could point out thousands of little Faux Pas like that, where people just need to look at things a little more logically. If you tried driving from Jhb to Pta on the N14 over the course of the last 6 months, you will find bloody roadworks for miles and miles with no clear end in sight, surely there are better ways to do these things. Like I don’t know planning the work load, sectioning off different areas and actually completing one part at a time, but doing it effectively and properly.  Here’s a thought instead of closing a lane for 5km at a time, maybe work on 1km at a time, God knows, you would need a crew of at least 200 strong to finish 5km’s at a time. 

I dunno, commonsense definitely is not so common yall.

Back to the life challenge. It’s day 13, can’t believe almost 2 weeks are up – that means only 8 days to go before I reach my alcohol-free end date. This may have to change as I have a work meeting at Bascule Bar on Thursday evening and it would be outright rude not join in for a glass of Wine. Only 1 glass, and if that is indeed the case I will make sure that I do an extra few reps/laps to make up for it – but for now the Tequila will have to stay behind the bar.

It was an absolute rushed day for me, I work full-time, am working on my own independent doccie, studying for my 2nd qualification through Unisa, looking for a good Community Project/Org to join as a volunteer,writing this blog and of course trying to lose weight. It all can be a bit daunting at times, especially when you realize at 5:00PM that you misread the due date on your Assignments and you have French and Economics Assignments due before 12:00PM. ERRR ME GERRRD!

For the most part I stuck to a decent food intake but unfortunately I just couldn’t cook, I went to my dune after work, had a quick smoke and decided to bail on swimming at the Gym. I would do Pilates at home instead. It’s a shorter workout and I could listen to my French CD while doing it – 2 birds one stone (always a preferred route, wouldn’t you agree?)

Our Pilates Trainer had given us a head’s up about a home Tubing option at Makro, which I duly bought last weekend. I got one for my bestie too, ah I miss my Blommie! (if you watched Liewe Heksie,  a very popular children’s program(when I was a kid) here in South Africa, there were 2 main characters - I’m Heksie and she is Blommie – partners in crime lol) Ag shame, she will now kind of be forced to do the exercises with me (in tandem – she’s still in Jozi) on some nights.  Okay getting off topic, the point is I didn’t go to gym but exercised at home instead.

 First Image: 10 of each, 2 reps.

2nd Image : 30 each,  2 reps

3rd Image Below: 10 each, 2 reps for the arms and 20 each, 2 reps for the core.


 My Food Day: Day 13

Water 1.8l 
Coffee: 2 Cups, 1 Brown Sugar, Milk
Special Coffee : 1 x Vanilla Latte
200ml 100% Pure Strawberry Juice

Breakfast: 40g All Bran Flakes
                 2 Chopped up Strawberries
                                                        80-100ml Milk

Lunch: Chicken Cordon Bleu + Creamed Spinach & Mushroom (From last night)

Afternoon Snack: None

Dinner : 2 Gluten Free Rice Cakes with Hummus, Cucumber, and 40g Gouda Cheese (Sliced)

Jawbone UP3 tracker data

Step Goal: 6500                              Actual 6872
Sleep Goal: 7h                                Actual: 5h41
Lowest Heart Rate: 57bpm            Highest: 74bpm
Resting Heart Rate: 65bpm 

Today I will leave you with some motivation, and a giggle. Ciao Ciao

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