Monday 22 August 2016

Chicken Soup for the Soul #Days 10 -11

Heehaa it’s Friday, can you say excited….yes the weekend is upon us and I couldn’t contain myself. Regardless of the work day today, tomorrow is Saturday and I can just hang back and relax Whoo-hoo!

Today a good friend took me along to go pick up apparently, the best koeksusters in Cape Town! For those English speaking people out there wondering what the hell a koeksuster is… It’s an Afrikaans traditional dessert/tea time classic, every boer worth her salt, has someone in her family with a fantastic Koeksuster recipe, 9 times out of 10 it’s from Grandma.A golden delicious doughy twister directly sent from heaven, sweet, gooey and soft. 

Why did I opt to join him on this obviously temptation filled outing , well because we would be meeting them at Haas Coffee - a really eclectic chic, coffee shop in Cape Town, it can be found on Buitenkant Street in the City Bowl. If you are in the area pop in for a quick cuppa, you will not regret it.

Why is this special you ask, well Haas Coffee is a place that charms and enchants all of your senses.  For me as a Coffee Addict of Note the fresh aroma of roasted and ground coffee beans in the air immediately puts me in a happy mood. I would probably even like it more if I were not on a diet. Why??? Oh my giddy aunt! Their  assortment of decadent baked goods, just looking at them through the display counter window made me salivate like a bloody hungry dog.

I did peruse the menu, which also offered some sumptuous looking breakfasts and lunches, the ambience is also something to note, the background music sets the tone for a chilled out time regardless of whether meeting a client, or an old friend.  
Me likey, very mucho.  As I was perusing the menu a flyer on the table grabbed my attention.


A brew claiming to be the world’s strongest cup of coffee, I was intrigued. Aptly named Black Insomnia coffee, it’s predecessor called Death Wish contained 660mg caffeine, Black Insomnia contains a whopping 702mg. I had to try a cup.

Yum Tikka! Whopow that coffee is one for the books, I couldn’t even risk ruining the deliciousness of the coffee by tarnishing it with sugar.  Hmmmm for a moment all was right in the world again.

I guess I have a really high tolerance for caffeine because I felt completely fine,  not even the slightest hint of the jitters, I think that coffee and I might just start a really serious long term relationship.

After the coffee it was back to work and a fairly normal afternoon followed. I had already exceeded my minimum of 3 trips to the gym per week, so I opted to spend some time at my dune instead. I love my dune, it’s big, it’s high and what a view. Living in Hout Bay you are slap bang behind Table Mountain, we also have a small harbour and a long outstretched beach. My dune is closer to the harbour than the swimming beach…I think, I haven’t lived here long and to be honest I don’t know yet.

I happened to find it  my first time out there and just completely fell in love with it. It’s the highest point on that part of the beach and you can always appreciate the view, glorious mountains and a vast turquoise ocean, the beaches here are sandy white.  I come here after work before gym, to have my chill time, my thinking time.  I love people watching, and my spot is the ideal place for that.

Before I knew it, 40min had passed and the sun was starting to go down, I made a unilateral decision that I would rather go for a walk in the vineyard with Harry(My landlord’s Alsatian) than trek off to the gym this late(Rush Hour time for everyone who just came home from work).

I didn’t feel like cooking at all and had some curry leftover from lunch, so I decided to have that instead of cooking. So far this battle has continued to be won, but  today I faltered, twice. I gave into my friend’s plea to try the best Koeksuster in Cape Town – although only one bite I didn’t feel to happy about it later. In the late evening I did also succumb to a craving and had 10 Fruit Pastilles, I discovered the packet in the back of my drawer. I felt so guilty and gross after having them, yet felt to weak not to reach for them once they’d been seen. For me I guess it’s really much better to keep things out of sight and out of mind.

These types of changes and life challenges  really aren’t easy and I honestly can’t wait for it to be over, I just know that without  my snacks I would be totally screwed. It definitely affects you emotionally, obviously my wonderful cycle has also had a hand in my feelings this week and have driven me mental with cravings but still, I hate failing even if just a little.

I suppose it’s how you define success, in my opinion the difference between success and failure is not whether you fail or how many times you fail. The difference is the amount of times you get back on the horse and try again. - this is a marathon after all and by no means a sprint, I see a lot of high high’s and bloody down low’s coming over the course of the next 90 days, I’m just glad that I haven’t completely gone off the rails and binged like a banshee.

Below I have outlined my food day

Water: 2l
Coffee: 2 Cups, with Milk, 1 Brown Sugar
Teas – none
Special Coffee: 1 Vanilla Latte + 1 Black Insomnia Cappuccino (No added sugar for either)

Breakfast – 1 Medium Apple + 100ml Yogurt

Mid morning snack – Boiled Egg

Lunch – half of my left over curry
Afternoon Snack – None

Dinner: Remainder of my leftover Curry

Dessert: 20ml Cream, 70g strawberries

Cheats: 10 x Maynard’s Fruit Pastilles (470kj)

Jawbone UP3 Data:
Step Goal: 6500      Actual Steps: 7608
Sleep Goal : 7hr      Actual Sleep: 5hr42m (this always represents previous night)
Resting Heart Rate: 63Bpm

Day 11 – Saturday

I was home alone today, my landlord has taken a trip to Paternoster, a small town up the coast. This meant that I would need to feed Harry and lock him inside at night. It was for a change, a very pleasant change a glorious sunny day in the Mother City. This to me has been a very rare occurrence and has been the first Saturday in 4 weeks we’ve had sunshine. I fully capitalized on it, went for a 40min hike in the vineyard, played a little with Harry and had some me time next to the dam with Buddha. Yes there is a tiny built dam with a Buddha in my garden. Now that I had taken care of my step goal for the day, I could focus on other things. 

I did a little “Spring” clean in my place, did the general washing and decided to give Betty a wash too – for those who don’t know, Betty is my car.   

If you aren't aware, South Africa is currently facing one of it's worst droughts ever! So please everyone when washing your cars, do it with a bucket, minimize the hose usage and please do it in the afternoon. If you are like me and wish to take it even further, get yourself a nice scratch relief foam car was, which goes on straight to the dirty car - It feels like you are prepping your car for OPPIKOPPI (The best Music Festival in South Africa - only this time it's not for decoration, and it's not shoe shine. 

Not only is this a better way to wash your car (by saving water) It also yields amazing results.

  Behold - Tyre Before

 < Tyre After - That's with no scrubbing, FYI.

Get this stuff man.

Friday was one of my closest friend’s in the world’s birthday, my Steph. We’ve been friends for over a decade now, we met in the UK, we worked, lived, partied and traveled Europe together. I’m the kind of freak that will approach you in a public bathroom and ask you a question out right, that’s how we met actually. I had gone to an interview with my cousin in the UK and Steph was assisting the interviewers. I cornered her in the bathroom and asked her straight up not to give me the “practiced/pitched” answer but to lay the shit out there about the Company and how it would be to work there. Whether they were just sugaring us up – this was a very unorthodox interview.

She was so shocked, I remember her face like it was yesterday. Well sufficed to say we are both back in SA now and despite living at opposite ends of the country we always stay in touch.  It was her birthday on Friday and we’d been missing each other for a catch up chat for weeks already, it’s actually pretty bad, but life does have a habit of occasionally getting in the way. Well we had our catch up chat, about an hour and a half in all. It’s always so cathartic to speak to a close friend, to vent, to express, to share. I dunno, but it’s like “chicken soup for the soul” If anyone’s ever read the book, you’ll know what I mean. I needed it folks, I needed that pick me up.

The food day was also a bit of a fail, but this was mainly as I didn’t feel lus to cook (lus means in the mood/eager/looking forward to) here goes anyway –

Day 11 Food Diary

Water: 2l
Tea: 1 Cup Rooibos, milk, 1 brown sugar
Coffee 2 Cups, Milk, 1 brown sugar
Special Coffee 1 x Vanilla Latte

Breakfast: 40g All Bran Flakes
                     20g Peanuts
                     20g Raisins
                     100ml Full Cream Milk

Mid Morning Snack – None

Lunch: 100ml Yoghurt

Afternoon Snack – 50g Beef Drywors

Dinner: Tempura Prawns & Salad
 No video for today, I made this last week, the only difference for today, is that I actually had olives. Unfortunately I also had the remaining 10 Maynard’s Fruit Pastilles. The packet is now finished and has been thrown out so no more distracting Temptation, don’t get me wrong, this little fopa still brings me in under the max calorie intake for the day – every day I aim for between 900-1200Cal, according to most dieticians the best calorie intake for women to lose weight is between 1200-1500Cal a day. Regardless, it still makes me feel like a weakling that I had to have those sweets, damn it man. I was doing so well, but I won’t let this throw me completely, we’ll regroup and start again, tomorrow is another day I guess..
Jawbone UP3 Data
Step Goal: 6500        Actual: 9848
Sleep Goal: 7h           Actual: 8h13m
Resting Heart Rate: 61 Bpm

I will leave you with some cute and quirky quotes.

Laughed my ass off, especially at the one on Sweat by Ray Kroc.

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