Thursday 18 August 2016

Day 8 & The infamous Ellen Tweet!!!!

I wish I could say this week has gone from Manic Monday to Terrible Tuesday and now finally that “hump day” has arrived Wonderful Wednesday, but alas I can not.

Don’t get me wrong, I’m not the “woe is me” type, but dang a person just wants a breather from the drama yo. can I get a hell yeah please.

Not being able to drink is becoming testier daily, a shot of Tequils or 6  (Tequila for those who think I miss–spelled I didn’t, it’s my slang again yo) would’ve come in nicely both yesterday and sure as fuck today.  With the ongoing drama I completely neglected to eat my breakfast or lunch – I know, I know, you should be eating small meals 4-6 times a day to keep the metabolism burning  - but in my defence I have been hearing good things about “intermittent fasting” so let’s chalk this one down to an intermittent fasting day.

From now on, I won’t be taking lunch on Wednesdays at the office, but instead I leave a little earlier, this is so I can make the final Pilates class of the day, it gives me a break from swimming and is a great way to get strong, toned and supple.

Oh my hat, I love Pilates, yes it was strenuous and I was already feeling the burn during and directly after class, but wowza you feel pain in muscles you didn’t even know you had! I love working with the resistance tubing and our instructor told us that they have a DIY tube trainor for pilates at Makro for R99.00 (roughly $6.50) so I will be going to get one soon. This is definitely exercise that I can see myself doing, because it’s fun – the same can be said for Tae-Bo and Zumba(which I have done and continue to do when the gym is too busy)

Before I get into my food diary for the day I need to go on a little rant : There has been a Twitter Blow Up of Note again today – This time it’s one of my personal fav female comedians under fire – Ellen Degeneres

The infamous tweet

The whole world is immediately jumping to conclusions and skewing the context of this joke – yes people it’s a joke.

People of colour have blasted her, calling her a racist – now come on people, who’s fault is it that the World’s fastest runner happens to be black??? This was purely Ellen making a joke about how awesome it would be to be able to be as fast as Usain or even better to have his speed when running errands – seriously people who likes running errands????

Instead haters are gonna hate and immediately the race card is being played!!! For fuck sakes, can we decide whether we want to be seen as equal human beings or not, because you can’t have it both ways. If we are all the same then the context is simple: 1 average running comedian on the back of the world fastest man – that is kak funny

Why bring oppression in? Secondly, has anyone thought to ask Mr. Bolt what he thinks, chances are he was flattered and probably found it funny too. In fact I know he did because guess what HATERS – He retweeted the original post.

The original photo of Bolt smiling while running went viral following his gold medal win in the 100-meter dash.

The comedian frequently posts photos of herself edited into topical moments and scenes from popular films and TV shows and you don’t see people jumping on their horses over that. My advice to all those who feel this post diminished them or marginalised them in any way – Seek professional help to get the chip of your damn shoulder, cause you have issues!!!

In summation, life’s too short to sweat the small stuff, don’t make mountains out of molehills. That is all – Rant now over.

I did my measuring and weigh in on the 1st day and have made a decision to only weigh myself and measure every 2 weeks so this update will only happen next week. Here’s my food day -

Food Diary Day 8

Water intake : 2l

Tea: 1 x Rooibos no milk, no sugar

Coffee: 3 x Coffee with Milk, 1 brown sugar

Special Coffee: 1 x Nescafe Vanilla Cappuccino

Breakfast – None

Mid-morning Snack – None

Lunch – None

Dinner:  40g All Bran Flakes

                 1 small Banana

                 20g Raw Peanuts

                 100ml Milk

UP Tracker Data:

Steps Goal: 6500      Actual: 8125

Sleep Goal: 6,5-7 hrs   Actual: 4h18m (Not good)

Resting Heart Rate: 63 bpm

I leave you with these pearls of wisdom… Ciao Ciao

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