Thursday 18 August 2016

1 Week Down 11 to Go - Hopa!

Day 7 had arrived- could we say terrific Tuesday, unfortunately not, as the world is well aware ,women go through a very special cycle every month and this can and will affect your mood. Cravings galore and can even bring severe pain to some, I am the fucking latter. So my aunty with her Red Merc is currently visiting, because of this my day did not start well, being sleep deprived because of pain is never fun.

Traffic on the way to work was exceptionally slow, so by the time I reached the office my BS tolerance meter was already cranked to max volume, just to get there and not have any parking. Why did this send me barrelling over the edge, well simply put, when you pay for something you expect it! We pay for additional parking at the Protea Hotel and over the course of the last 3 months I’ve been living in Cape Town, they have had several conferences. Each time they have a conference, they don’t compensate for additional parking allowances and NEVER EVER ensure that their paying regular customers are taken care of!

In the words of  Peter Griffin(Family Guy) “ You know what really grinds my gears…” Well this shit is what grinds my gears. After a 15min battle with the parking security I finally managed to squeeze Betty(My Car – Why Betty? Well she’s Black is a beast has survived 7 Oppi’s and I love Ram Jam’s Black Betty – Bam ba lam) into a spot – no not a parking spot just parked in such a way that the conference goers could get out.

Sufficed to say I was not a happy bunny when I finally got into the office and started my work day. The day itself was very busy and to crown this madness we have some internal politics that’s been ongoing and was starting to negatively impact my personal relationship with a close friend. This is not something I wish on anyone and all I can say is that communication is always key. If ever you think something may be misinterpreted or taken personally. Just speak up and clear the air.

The day was so HEKATE that I didn’t even feel hungry so unfortunately I didn’t have my regular snacking and meals.

I did however go to gym, arriving at the gym a tad late as I had waited patiently for a colleague to come and collect their car keys – who never did. The pool was full of kids doing their lesson, the arbitrary wait ensued. I finally got a lane and was off, 80 laps in total.  I also tried something different and incorporated a little body board into my laps doing 10 laps legs only – boy oh boy did my ass feel the burn! Another 10 laps were spent doing arms only and you can definitely feel a difference in effort levels when not using both arms and legs. Tomorrow I know I’ll be stiff. Thankfully it’s going to be a break from swimming and I’ll be trying Pilates for the 1st time.

I couldn’t be in less of a mood for cooking so I opted for Stir Fry, quick, healthy and delicious. Please note people that I purely did the veg first because I was waiting on my meat to defrost. Typically you would start with the meat first.

Food Diary Day 7

Water Intake: 2.25l

Tea: 1 x Rooibos with Milk

Coffee: 3 x Coffee with Milk & 1 Brown Sugar

Special: 1 x Nescafe Cappuccino (Vanilla) 312kj

Breakfast – whoops didn’t get to that one.

Mid Morning Snack – 1 Apple

Lunch – I had some Chicken and Veg left over from the previous night

Afternoon Snack   - 30g Raw Almonds

Dinner: Beef Stir Fry – Oriental Mix 


200g Tenderised Steak

300g Stir Fry Mix

(Cabbage, Red Cabbage, Red peppers, Bamboo Shoots, Julienne Carrot, Baby Corn

Zucchini, Mushrooms)

2 Tbsp Soy Sauce

2 Tbsp Sweet Chilli Sauce

10-15ml Extra Virgin Olive Oil.

Here’s the vid folks:

After Dinner Snack (Cravings a calling)

1 x Gluten Free Rice Cake

Strawberry Jam

Peanut Butter (Extra Crunchy)

1 x Nescafe Cappuccino (312kj)

As I have already shared my snacks with you guys, I am also going to start noting them down along with my UP3 tracker data

UP3 Tracker Data

I also annihilated my daily step goal of 6500 Steps with a whopping 9312 Steps Pappie!

My Resting Heart Rate was 67 Bpm

With an average Heart Rate of 56 Bpm

Sleep: 6h 34 min

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