Wednesday 24 August 2016

Triumph on a Tuesday

Hahahahah my word, I completely forgot that Tyra used to be in Felicity! As my recent Gilmore Giirls binge came to a close, I started on Felicity and am now on Season 3 where Noel(Scott Foley) Yes the guy who was married to Jennifer Garner before Ben Affleck has just met Tyra's character. Damn Tyra looks good 15 years later!

As I'm sitting here in my bed vigorously typing away, Felicity has now ended and I've switched to a doccie featuring my favourite animal in the world, Orca's. Oh my word, these beautiful, intelligent, savages have always tickled my fancy. Before music and film stole my soul, my first love was Killer Whales. I have memories of a vacation to Durban when I was a little kid, we had been to Sea world in Durban - now call Ushaka Marine World, and had seen all the marine animals as well as the live shows. I wanted to become a Marine Biologist, I remember the poster on the wall. The biggest animal on the poster was the Blue Whale, and lower down was a much prettier whale, it was black and white. I became obsessed, I had countless books on marine life and was desperate to find out more. At age 5 I saw the 1977 Movie Orca for the first time, it left a lasting impression with me, so much so that I was happy the whale ate the man and got his revenge, I mean, jeez human beings can be such bloody heinous creatures... My grandfather Oupa Rassie (He was my mom's dad, told me that they actually have real live Killer Whales in some Aquariums in the world, and that people swam with them. In that moment, I put the first thing on my bucket list. To touch and hopefully swim with, a killer whale.

2 years later the world was blessed with the gift that was "Free Willy" and despite the sequel, 3rd and 4th movies not being as awesome, this sent the world into a new direction, It awakened a global empathy towards these majestic creatures and sparked the whole “Captivity Debate” all over.  Eventually public outcry for the freeing and reintegration into the wild was so overwhelming that Warner Brothers(yes the film studio) could no longer blame funding or logistics. The long road to freedom for Keiko began.

In case you live on another planet, Keiko is the Orca Whale that was cast as Willy. This process took years and eventually he did spend time in the ocean as a “free whale”, unfortunately he never found his pod again and died alone in 2003-20 years after the original release of Free Willy. 

Why am I going on a whale tangent right now??? Because it’s a prelude…I will be uploading a blog about this incredible journey and some other Orca controversy over the weekend, so stay tuned.

Back to the day at hand. My colleagues were back in the office today, which meant 2 things for me… Firstly I would have to go on the "Office Sundries Run" - which turned out to be a painfully annoying experience, as everyone and their uncles were all at Makro! What was supposed to be an hour max took me an hour and 40 min.

The 2nd and more important implication that everyone was back is that I got to test out my afternoon stroll Soundtrack – The song selection worked like a charm yo, I was two-stepping all the way, yes the general public think I’m an escaped mental patient, but fuck em I really don’t care, what other people think – Life is too short.

Here’s the soundtrack:

JT – Cant Stop the Feeling

Meghan Trainor – Me Too

Mr Probs – Waves

Ellie Goulding – Never Forget You

Halsey  - Strange Love                                

Calvin & RiRi – This is what you came for
Halsey – Colours

Matt Simmons – Catch & Release

Lukas Graeme – 7 Years

Lochnville - Cold Shoulder

Can I say –Holla! This mix not only put a spring in my step, but it provided a lot of entertainment for passersby. My food day was a little more normal, today but because I didn’t make food on Monday evening I didn’t have lunch, so I whipped up a basic green salad and added some Billies (Biltong) but like the clever girl I am I forgot to add my Feta to the mix.

My job requires a lot of research and statistical analysis, as I was perusing the net for the top daily investment related articles, I stumbled across a post by one of my fav entrepreneurs Hootsuite CEO/Founder Ryan Holmes.

For those of you who don’t know what Hootsuite is, don’t worry, a lot of people don’t. In a nut shell Hootsuite is a platform/tool that businesses use to manage their Social Media – But now we’re getting off track the reason I mentioned the article in the first place is that I tend to share Ryan’s views on business. His most recent article “How not to run a Billion Dollar Company” definitely makes me feel better about the world and society as a whole, knowing that we have CEO’s out there with a little more grey matter between the ears, then say the “Trumps” of the world, helps my chi. Feel free to read this insightful article as well.

After work I headed to the gym for my normal swim – did 80 laps and didn’t feel quite as pasted as the week before, but the Pilates I did Monday were definitely impacting today – I could feel a distinct burn in my core area for the entire day. I’ve also read that a combination of weight-cardio-toning –exercises are the ideal course of action for  weight-loss so I think I will change my routine a tad starting next week.

On the dinner side of things I wanted to try something new. I have been hearing a lot of good things about cauliflower rice and as such decided that I would give it a try – however when I got to the grocery store I was horrified to find that the pre-diced cauliflower rice costs nearly triple the price than a normal cauliflower head, Being the Al Cheapo that I am, I opted to grab the normal cauliflower instead – I would be making my own cauliflower rice.

Here's my food day, followed by the cooking vid for dinner.

Day 14 

Water 1.85l
Tea: 0
Coffee : 2 Cups, with Milk, 1 brown Sugar

Special Coffee - 1 Nescafe Vanilla Latte

Breakfast: 40g All Bran Flakes
                 2 Chopped Strawberries
                 100ml Milk

Lunch: Biltong Salad

Lettuce, Cucumber, Tomato, Onion, Olives, Avo,70g Beef Biltong (and there should be Feta in too, I just forgot #Facepalm)

Afternoon Snack: Apple

Dinner: Beef Stroganoff & Cauliflower Rice

Ingredients (2 Portions)

200g Tenderised Beef Steak

50g Onions

80g Mushrooms

80g Green Pepper

180g Cauliflower
Olive Oil

Here's the vid:

Okie dokie lemon shmokey, tomorrow is another day and you bet your ass I still have more to say. Today I will leave you with some "Peaceful Warrior" quotes, something minion related and a song, that you may have never heard before.

I absolutely LURVE Halsey - Her voice is freaking awesome - Here's 2 songs that you may or may not have heard before and if you like it, be sure to check her other stuff out too! Yes this is not the official music vid, there doesn't seem to be one yet, but it's about listening to the songs.

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