I also had to start narrowing down my Community Outreach Volunteering situation, I have always been involved in one form or another with Community Outreach, strange that now after my 3rd year of Psychology, it is deemed a prerequisite for one of my modules. (Not strange that it's a prerequisite, strange that it only becomes one in year 3). When I still lived in Jhb, I volunteered at The Florida Baby Clinic - A place of safety for orphaned babies, most of them HIV positive, I also spent time at the Rape Crisis Centre in Hillbrow, and for the last 2 years have been actively trying to get my own Social Entrepreneurship program going in Zandspruit - Now that I have moved, I think Langa or Kayelitsha will be ideal areas. Yes it's frustrating that 2 years of hard work, dealing with the community and their elders have just been washed down the drain because I had to relocate, but it is what it is and we will start again. There are always people less fortunate than you, they don't need a hand out, they need a hand up, change starts and ends with each one of us, personally I want to be someone who makes a difference, not for glory or praise but rather to make an actual difference!
For whatever reason I was very emotional, I cried over the smallest things. I don't know whether it's the overload of Felicity I've been watching, food deprivation, this "time" an emotional overload from the hectic week, being angered at myself for eating the bloody fruit pastilles or what! But for the life of me I couldn't stop randomly crying today. It's more fitting to quote REM - It's been a bad day please don't take a picture it's been a bad day please...
Yes my life is a tad chaotic right now and I have had a lot going on over the course of the last few months, but for the most part, I've got a lot more to be thankful for than most. So it was just random and weird kind of gives me the eerie feeling that something is coming. I don't know, it's like a pang in my gut....watch this space I will keep you in the loop.
Before we get into the food day, I have to note how amazingly talented and insightful JJ Abrams is, the man is a bloody genius, I would love to have a coffee and just get into his mind. When I think of all the shows I watched and loved growing up - now specifically thinking of my teens up until early 20's he was the producer/director/writer of quite a few of my favourites.

Felicity is just one example.... I love when writers/producers really grasp their target audience. This comes through by how well the targeted viewers react to the work. You may not know Felicity but I'm sure you remember, LOST...woah look I hate what they did in the end, but no one out there can deny he had us hooked.
I also love his movies. He tends to go a bit beyond the norm, and pushes the envelope, but I like that. A show I loved even more than LOST was without a doubt FRINGE - if you haven't watched it, please do yourselves a favour and get it. If I had to go into the awesomeness that is Fringe I would take another 3-4 pages and at 22:25PM on a Sunday night, that really isn't an option. All I can say is if you are a paranormal activity enthusiast and love to venture into the I unknown, exploring the vastness that is the universe, ah it's brilliant, nope it's decided I will have to get you all the Skinny on Fringe. But that is definitely a blog for another day.

Felicity is just one example.... I love when writers/producers really grasp their target audience. This comes through by how well the targeted viewers react to the work. You may not know Felicity but I'm sure you remember, LOST...woah look I hate what they did in the end, but no one out there can deny he had us hooked.

So back to the issue at hand, day 12 having cheated yesterday I think added to my bad mind space, and in fairness it really wasn't the end of the day as even with those calories added to my intake, I still kept my daily intake under 1300 Calories, which is 200 calories less than the recommended calorie intake for women to lose weight healthily (1500 Cal). I don't know, I just felt guilty as fuck and the constant stream of water running down my face did not help one bit.
However as I stated yesterday, the distinguishing factor between success and failure, is getting back up and on continuing on your journey. So I will dust this off and now that the crap's out of the house, I won't have it there to eat. Simple. My food day was actually not too boring today.
However as I stated yesterday, the distinguishing factor between success and failure, is getting back up and on continuing on your journey. So I will dust this off and now that the crap's out of the house, I won't have it there to eat. Simple. My food day was actually not too boring today.
Food Diary Day 12
Water: 2l
Tea: 2 Cups of Rooibos Tea, with milk no sugar
Special Coffee 2 X Vanilla Latte
Juice: 200ml Strawberry 100% Pure Juice + 200ml Water
Breakfast - 2 Egg Omlette
1/4 Med Tomato
3 button mushrooms
3 button mushrooms
1/4 Onion
Mid morning snack: None
Lunch - 60g Beef Biltong & Remaining Salad from Saturday night's Prawn Tempura
Afternoon Snack - 25g Cashew Nuts (Raw)
Dinner: Chicken Cordon Bleu & Creamed Spinach With Baked Mushrooms
Ingredients for 2 Portions
70g Cheese. 2-4 Bacon Strips
1 Egg Self Raising Flour
250-300g Spinach. 50-80g Onion
50ml Cream. Fresh Garlic/Chopped 160g Mushrooms (Portobello)
10-15ml Cream Cheese
This is a great meal for entertaining or when you wanna please the fam, it;s easy enough to combine a starch to and doesn't take too long. Enjoy!
Here's the vid:
Jawbone UP3 Traker Data:
Step Goal: 6500 Actual: 9492
Sleep Goal 7h Actual: 8h7m
Resting Heart Rate: 63 Bpm
As we all need a little pep in our step, I leave you with these quotes:
Jawbone UP3 Traker Data:
Step Goal: 6500 Actual: 9492
Sleep Goal 7h Actual: 8h7m
Resting Heart Rate: 63 Bpm

As we all need a little pep in our step, I leave you with these quotes:
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