Tuesday 16 August 2016

Just another Manic Monday

#Day 6

It's just another manic Monday, I wish it was Sunday, cause that's my fun day, my I don't have to run day.... La La La I feel that sometimes you just have to sing through it. Music has always been a source of Soul Food and inspiration for me so I am very likely to have lyrical content and references in my writing.

As is the norm for a lot of us my Monday was a tad hectic, mine was starting out to be a perfect shade of BLUE, yes peeps you can sense the sarcasm just dripping off of that one right. Good, well the morning started normally, but I had borrowed my office keys to a colleague on Friday, obviously not expecting my other colleagues to be running late, but as lady luck would have it, there were massive train delays in Cape Town on Monday. This meant that I would have to sit and wait patiently outside my office, this wait turned out to be an hour! Thank fuck our WIFI signal is strong so at the very least I was able to crack on with my day and didn't have to sit there twiddling my thumbs. Unfortunately the fact that I now enjoy my first cup of Java at the office instead of at home(in an effort to finish 500ml of water before even setting foot in the office). I was caffeine deprived and in a less than sunny mood.

When my colleague eventually arrived, I virtually jetted into the kitchen and made my first cup. Small things can perk you up hey. Sufficed to say this rocky start to the day was only the beginning, the remainder of my day was filled with the general office type workload and to crown this gloriousness it ended with me having to battle with Providers and Insurers - never fun!

Can  I just say, I don't think I'm too difficult to get along with, but those that know me are fully aware that I have a low-tolerance for STUPIDITY! When people are put in positions that they are clearly incapable of doing I tend to lose my shit. When I am your client, you better know what your doing or pass the fucking phone to someone who does, or God help you the sea won't wash you clean. There is obviously a level of diplomacy that has to be maintained, nevertheless, I was faced with dealing with multiple idiots from various companies. By the time I left the office a Tequila or 6 was all I wanted, certainly not going to gym... Don't worry I didn't fail 6 days in. I did my little outward vent and woosa'd to my heart's content and then blasted the good jams on the way to gym.

Despite having a rest day on Sunday, I have to say I was rather stiff. Unfortunately I couldn't reach my 80 lap target and only did 75laps(1.875Km/1.165071), yes I can hear most of you cringing, why not just push for the last 5, because people at lap 65 I wanted to pass out and had pushed with everything in me to do a last 10. At that stage, there were also 2 people waiting to get a lane. I didn't want to half-ass another 5 laps at a snails pace, but rather opted for a few light stretches using the pilates tubes after my swim.

The day's meals were pretty good and I have to say I'm fairly impressed with myself thus far.

Breakfast: 1 Boiled Egg
                 6 Cherry Tomatoes
                 80ml Yoghurt

Mid Morning Snack - 1 Medium Apple

Lunch - 1/2 the green salad left over from Sunday night's
              100g tenderised Steak
              20ml Sweet Chilli Sauce +10ml Soy Sauce
(I made the steak in the microwave at the office,  added the Soy and Sweet Chilli to the raw defrosted meat and let it marinade there till lunch time, I then simply popped it in the microwave for 2min and Bob's your Uncle)

Afternoon Snack - 30g Almonds

After the day I had the last thing I wanted to do was cook for long, so I chose to make a simple loved classic(this meal was always made by my mom, she didn't add mushroom and her dish was served with Macaroni)

Dinner - Creamy Chicken  & Veg

100g Chicken Breast (Skinless & Deboned)
100g Brocolli
50g  Button Mushrooms

Sauce - 1/4 Packet of Cream of Chicken Soup +1/4 Packet of White Onion Soup
             10-15ml Lemon Juice (Depending on how twangy you like your sauce, yes I said twangy
             not tangy)
             150ml Water
             25-30ml/g Mayo

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