Friday 12 August 2016

#Day 2 - Oh Mother Me!

Okay okay, yes it's day 2 and already the temptation is flying around me, my colleagues brought in  the most decadent looking "rusks' on the planet, cherries and nuts. But I stayed strong, Fuck me this is gonna be tough. Today I can feel the tender shoulders from yesterday's swim but it's all good, this means I am actually doing something. 

Yes I had my water for the day clocking in at 2.2l yes I ate the right things, prep was key here. I boiled 3 eggs the eve of day one to have some ready to take along to work, I also had yoghurt and Hummus in my fridge already and just had to slice a few raw carrots and grab an apple.

For brekkie I had - 40g bowl of All Bran Flakes, with 4 crushed almonds sprinkled over, 60ml of Full Cream Milk, 1 teaspoon of brown sugar.

Mid Morning Snack - 1 Medium Apple

Lunch - A Hard Boiled Egg and 100ml Low Fat Yoghurt(Unsweetened)

I also took an afternoon stroll, with my H2O in tow I missioned down Somerset Rd until I reached Woolies(Woolworths) which is approximately 1km from my office and went back a slightly longer route. Booyah!

Afternoon Snack - 40g of raw carrots, with 50g Red Pepper Hummus (Can you say #Yummy)

After a hectic day at work, client issues - why are some people just douchy??? No idea but hey that's life I suppose. I got myself mentally ready and went to gym, this time however I only did 55 laps and I was absolutely spent. The aching in my arms eish, to chauk up the rest of the workout I did some weight training, when I got home, using my 5kg dumbells - primarily focused on my arms and did 4 different styles, the arm curl, the lift above the head, the lie on the ground and bring up and the Johnny Bravo Monkey Baby! 25 of each.

I then did the 5min workout featured in Cosmopolitan May 2016(Yes I have old issues of Cosmos lying around, and if I really like the exercises featured I cut them out and put them in my handy flip file(Dork Dork)).

Cosmos always have nice little, effective workouts easily done from home, these days with the "Technological Age" most of them are available online, so do yourself a favour and check em out yall. 

Dinner time, no fancy things tonight as I mentioned it was a HE-KA-TE Day at work, that is my word for Hectic yes I know it's random, but guess what, I don't really care, my slang is forever becoming global trends after the fact, so you just wait and see before you know it people will be bastardising English even further and Hekateying left right and centre. 

Cauliflower, Zucchini & Beef Strips(With my own special little marinade)

100g-120g Cauliflower
100g Zucchini
50ml Royco Cheese Sauce (Optional)
100g Lean Tenderized Steak
15-25ml Sweet Chilli Sauce
15ml Soy Sauce
Cayene Pepper

Again feel free to double or even triple up on your veg if you're still hungry. The Royco Cheese sauce is very low in calories only 31cal/132kj per 50ml so you can double up on that too if you need to, guilt-free no less. The remainder can be stored in your fridge and is to be used within 3 days, the only reason I didn't use the sauce last night was because I knew I wouldn't be making stuff requiring cheese sauce again in the next 2 days and didn't want to be wasteful. All of my meals can easily incorporate a starch/carb of some sort if you are cooking for the entire fam, which makes it easier to stick to as you don't have to cook several different things, and if hubby or boyfriend isn't onboard...then they have hands and can make their own bloody dinner. LOL too funny I can just imagine the cringing and looks of death being shot out at you, believe me I've had them before too.

Here's the vid folks.

Yes it's Lorelai Gilmore from Gilmore Girls you are hearing in the background yall, I'm binge watching it all before the Netflix premiere on 25 November, can not flippin wait. Ciao Ciao for now bitches, oh and bros.

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