In light of this terrible reality I will always upload the previous Friday-Sunday on a Monday or Tuesday and the rest will follow so the blog will always be lagging by a couple of days but for the most part will be up to date. For the sake of keeping things factual and as emotional as on the day, I am still drafting the blog on the specific day, I'm just not posting it, I then save these drafts until all links are up and then viola, you have new posts.
So let's catch up shall we, Friday of last week was my official Day 3 and man oh man was it a day of temptation....I don't know if you know what Cornetti's are but, essentially they are little pockets of love! Heaven - A glorious golden brown croissant filled with a thick, creamy home made custard, dusted with some Icing sugar and sprinkled with Almonds, this is my absolute Fav bakery treat and on Friday they were on sale! Buy 1 get 1 free, I did manage to walk past the shop without doubling back but fuck me it was hard. The food day was very typical and yes I reached my 2l water intake goal, I do this by spacing out my water over the course of the day and by ensuring I have a 750ml water bottle with me at all times, I also have to finish at least 500ml of water between my coffee's/tea's (personal little goal and reward system). My reward for finishing the 500ml of water is my cup of tea/coffee. The last bottle for the day is always covered at gym, cause let's face it, you get bloody thirsty when working out.
#Day 3
Breakfast - I started the day with a 40g Bowl of Kellogs All Bran Flakes,
100ml Full Cream Milk, 1/2 banana and 4 Almonds crushed in.
Cup of Coffee
Mid Morning Snack - 1 Medium Apple
Lunch - 40g Carrot Sticks
25g Hummus (Red Pepper)
1 Hard Boiled Egg
Cup of Rooibos Tea
Afternoon Snack - 80-100ml Yoghurt (Low Fat - Unsweetened/Full Cream)Your Choice
Another victory for the day was that I actually went to GYM!!! Whoop whoop yay for me, I did 70 laps which is 1.75km or 1.1Miles. Yes this is not my full swim set but I was pasted and it was Friday so I wanted to get home, to ensure I get the additional time in on my workout I added an extra 1500 steps to my daily step goal which ended up being 8000steps in total. This is tracked using my Jawbone UP3. These fitness trackers are an absolute must when attempting a new diet or fitness regime, you can always bullshit others but using a fitness tracker prevents you from bullshitting yourself. Hindsight is 20/20 folks.
Dinner : Lemon Chive Chicken & Spinach Bake (20min)
Lemon Slice Chives
80-120g Chicken Breast(Skinless & De-boned)
150-200g Raw Spinach Garlic
40g Rosa/Cherry Tomato Soy Sauce
40-50g White Button Mushrooms Salt & Pepper
40-50g Cheese Vegetable Spice
40-50g Onion Oregano
Because of filesize I have to do a link to the video. Lemon Chive Chicken Bake
#Day 4 (Saturday)
Weekends are a little more difficult because we tend to be at home, or go out to friends, the shops whatever your typical weekend looks like doesn't really matter, but I find that weekends are more difficult. I started my Saturday morning with a bang and missioned over to the gym for a quick swim, I only did 60 laps as typically I don't plan on going to the gym on weekends. Cape Town is fortunate not only to have the Glorious Table Mountain, but it also has several other smaller mountains that you can scale. So that's the plan for the future is... going on hikes over weekend, Lions Head will be my first hiking mission, and I'll be sure to have the action cam in tow. They have also re-opened the beautiful Table Mountain Carriage way and I have an annual pass so generally I will be trekking up Table Mountain 2-3 times a month and once Spring arrives I will also chilling on the beach, eventually when the water starts heating up I hope to be catching some waves.
After gym I spent some time at "my dune" yes I know technically it's not mine but to me it is. It's the highest dune on Hout Bay beach and I tend to go there daily...except when it rains. This is a place where I can relax, and just be, I love watching the waves and definitely enjoy people watching from this vantage point, always someone who's dog is getting the better of them...hillarious.
I mentioned that I am busy binge watching Gilmore Girls in preparation for the Netflix release of Gilmore Girls A Year in the Life - If you were a teenage girl in the early 2000's the chances are really good that you watched this show. We had a terribly rainy, "kakkie" (this is directly translated from Afrikaans to English as Shitty) day weather wise so instead of staying at the beach longer I retreated to the comfort of my couch. In order to help myself stick to my regime and to keep my calorie intake low I bought a couple of "healthier" snack options. I would suggest doing the same for yourself, so that you always have something semi-decent on hand. I bought the following:
Some Gluten-Free Rice Cakes(Very Low Cal), Double Crunch Peanut Butter, Raw Unsalted Almonds, Raw unsalted Peanuts and Raisins, Red Pepper Hummis, Cottage Cheese, Beef Biltong, Beef Dry Wors, 100% Fruit Jam (Apricot & Strawberry). I also have serveral different kinds of cheese: Brie, Gouda, Mozarella, Feta, Camembert.
Breakfast: 40g Kellogg's All Bran Flakes
1 Small Banana
4 Crushed Almonds
100ml Full Cream Milk
1 Teaspoon of Brown Sugar
Mid-morning Snack : 1 Medium Apple
Lunch: 40g Carrots
40g Red Pepper Hummus
60g Beef Biltong
1/2 Orange
Afternoon Snack : 40g Peanuts and Raisins
100ml Yoghurt
When it was dinner time, I was in no way, shape or form, in the mood for cooking, I therefore opted for some quick, delicious, Deviled Egg Wraps.
Lettuce 2 Boiled Eggs
Tomato 25-30ml Mayo
Onion 40g Mushrooms (Optional)
Avo (Optional)
50g Bacon(Optional)/Salami/Cold Cuts
Here's the Vid: #Day4 Deviled Egg Wraps
#Day 5
Lonely lonely lonely Sunday Morning such a pity your asleep, young girl get up alright, alright yeah! Those are the lyrics to an awesome song peeps just FYI if you didn't catch that at all. Check it out, The Narrow Lonely Lonely - Go to YOUTUBE Now!
Sunday was a very chilled out day, I had to do washing and was working on some assignments, I am currently doing my 2nd qualification so typically on Sundays I have to spend time on my studies. I continued to watch some Survivor in tandem with my boyfriend down in Jozi - Those bloody people, for the life of me I can't understand why the majority of Americans 9 times out of 10 vote for an undeserving winner as opposed to the real winner (As can be seen clearly during the season from an unbiased viewer's perspective) these people hold grudges and act like scorned lovers, for fuck sakes people, it's a game - It's the biggest social experiment in the world and is essentially humans being labrats. The aim of the game is to let people like you enough to get you far and if you are able to, to further yourself by winning challenges, on the Social aspect of the game once you have gotten to a certain point in the game the idea is to then to get them(the people who like you enough to have kept you in until now) out before they get you, and to do this in such a way that they can't help but look back and say damn I was totally blindsided!
The aim is not to be someone's best friend. Social theory and the psychological knowledge and insight into the human psyche we gain through this show is significant - but this selfish trend is definitely more predominant in the US. Just look at the show - Take It All - The premise is simple, you can as the final 2 players either each keep their respective winnings or 1 Could Take It All or if both are greedy and say Take It All they both lose - Out of the season I watched, more people went home with nothing because of greed than even winners that lied to the other final player and then wrote Take It All. Bloody aggreious!Why be selfish, hell people in the green room everyone can make a pact before hand and decide that they will all get something in the end and in so doing screw the producers of the show....but no! Selfish Selfish Selfish. Anyway that's a blog for another day.
Because I didn't go to gym, I took a nice stroll down the vineyard in the afternoon. Yes I live on a property with a small vineyard.
I managed to drink my 2l of water, I also brewed my own herbal tea and made iced tea of it. My food day was pretty boring but no matter tomorrow is another day and my dinner was bloody delish!
Breakfast: 40g Kellogg's All Bran Flakes
1 Small Banana
4 Crushed Almonds
100ml Full Cream Milk
1 Teaspoon of Brown Sugar
Mid-morning Snack : 40g Peanuts and Raisins
Lunch: 40g Carrots
40g Red Pepper Hummus
100g Beef Biltong
Afternoon Snack : 100ml Yoghurt
1 Medium Apple
Dinner: Tempura Prawns and Salad

100g Tempura Prawns
Green & Yellow Pepper
Here's the vid folks:
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