Sunday 25 March 2012

Chilled Sunday....

Music has always been an integral part of my life and today I took a trip down memory lane listening to songs I haven't heard in years and it was soooooooo therapeutic... It's day 3 of my new plan and i'm still highly motivated and ready for the challenges that lay ahead.

We get inspired by so many different things it could be a scene from a movie or tv show, a song you hear on the radio(or that little voice in your head singing it to you) someone or something you see while going about your life. Today that thing for me was music - I close my eyes and hear the words and all of a sudden a memory comes through.... hell at one point during the chorus line of Broken - Lifehouse I was almost in tears. Not only because of my personal experiences related to the time that song was released but strangely enough it was used in a Grey's episode way back when, it was a damn sad episode.

The human mind is such a complex and fascinating thing. It's amazing what emotions can be brought about in an instant and how vivid our memories and imaginations can be. I think if you are able to flip the switch inside your mind that anyone is capable of anything - and if that's wrong then we are all in deep shit.

Tomorrow beckons and it's gonna be a tough one: Gym - Officially day one on the BFL program not looking forward to it at all but it has to be done. I've created an awesome playlist to listen to while i'm battling the bulge. - Be sure there will be details of my aches pains and all the suffering....and people who tell you it's all soooooo freaking easy are talking bs. Nothing that's worth anything ever comes easy.

On the business front the cards are designed and ready to go to print, the website is still in progress and the admin is coming together. The Label needs to be registered with the Recording Association and the band needs to sign their contracts!!!! Oh my giddy aunt! it's so exciting and nerve wracking at the same time. The band is finally full and they seem to be gelling very well together Z's almost fully recovered from her surgery so by beginning of May they will be ready to start gigging. We will be recording the first 2-4 singles in 2 weeks time and of course as Producer I am extremely amped and ready to this. The fruition of years of dreaming finally a reality ------WATCH THIS SPACE PEOPLE!


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