What I found was something that shocked me, appalled me, offended me.... and hell even prompted me to blog about it.
I study Psychology so I realize that the human mind is fragile, some people are broken in ways that don't make sense to the rest of society - disturbing and depraved criminal behavior is an example of this. The truth is that a history of violence has brought mankind to where it is now. It's all there in the History books, I suppose we have become less savage as a whole - people in most countries are no longer sentenced to death and in the minority where they are still are, it has become more merciful. No more sentences of public decapitation, hangings, or people being stoned to death. Now we lethally inject - and that only happens years after sentencing has been passed down. Yes I know that hangings and people being stoned to death still occurs but this is mostly in developing countries and is generally frowned upon. Personally I am pro death penalty - unfortunately I have issues with the accuracy of convictions but that's a blog for another day :-)
Today I want to talk about Caylee Marie Anthony's story - It's been a year since the verdict "NOT GUILTY"
Dr Phill continued and I learned that he was interviewing George Anthony and Cindy Anthony, parents of Casey Anthony. She had been on trial for the homicide of her daughter, their 2 year-old granddaughter Caylee Marie Anthony. The charges brought against Casey Anthony were: "First Degree Murder, Aggravated Child abuse, Aggravated Manslaughter of a child and 4 counts of providing false evidence to the police." The Trial concluded on 5 July 2011 - The jury came back with a Not Guilty verdict on all 3 first counts i.e First Degree Murder, Aggravated Child abuse, Aggravated Manslaughter of a child. - She was however found guilty on 4 misdemeanour charges of providing false evidence to police.
The episode featured, candid individual interviews with both George and Cindy and finished off with a joint interview. One thing was clear as day: The 2 parents had complete opposing views on the outcome of the trial, George was clearly distraught and felt that the verdict had been wrong. Cindy appeared to be a flake, she was not forthcoming in her interview with Phil and was delighted at the fact that the jury came back with the "Not Guilty" on the 3 major counts.
The interview highlighted the fact that Casey's "Defence Team" lead by Jose Baez, a Florida criminal defense attorney, had given the jury misinformation to create reasonable doubt! They had made statements that George Anthony had molested Casey as a child, they also fabricated a scenario where George(former Detective) had actually been there on the day of the death Caylee ( according to them an accidental drowning) and that he had helped to cover it up. When Phil asked Cindy directly whether she believed any of this she stated with certainty that it was a lie! There were also reports during the trial that Cindy Anthony(Mother of accused) had perjured herself regarding a computer search done from their home computer for chloroform. The search was done on the home computer, while Cindy who claims to be the one who did it was at her office..... Phil directly asked her if she perjured herself...her answer no. A blatant lie - it was on a technicality that the Attorney General could not pursue these Perjury charges. There were several fabricated stories from Casey Anthony on what exactly had happened to her daughter.
This was simply not going to do for me, I had to know more. I started searching online for old news reports anything that would give me more facts. This is what I found:
In 2008 Casey Anthony (then 22) and her daughter Caylee(2 and a half) lived with her parents George and Cindy Anthony in their Florida home. On June 16th 2008 Casey Anthony left the family home with her daughter Caylee, she allegedly went to Tampa on a "work assignment". For weeks neither grandparent had seen Caylee, they had asked Casey about their granddaughter repeatedly and was either told that Casey was to busy with the work assignment to come over or that Caylee was with the Nanny who Casey identified by the name of Zenaida "Zanny" Fernandez-Gonzalez, or at theme parks or the beach.
On July 13, 2008, while doing yard work, Cindy and George Anthony found a notice from the post office for a certified letter affixed on their front door. George Anthony picked up the certified letter from the post office on July 15, 2008, and found that his daughter's car was in a tow yard.When George picked up the car, both he and the tow yard attendant noted a strong smell coming from the trunk. Both later stated that they believed the odor to be that of a decomposing body.When the trunk was opened, it contained a bag of trash, but no human remains Cindy Anthony reported Caylee missing to the Orange County Sheriff's Office on the 15th of July 2008. A 911 call was made during which Casey also admitted that she had not seen her daughter in 31 days, she proceeded to fabricate stories about Caylee's whereabouts including that she had been kidnapped by "Zanny". It was eventually determined that a woman named Zenaida Fernandez-Gonzalez did in fact exist, but that she had never met Casey Anthony, Caylee Anthony, any member of the Anthony family, or any of Casey's friends.With the child still missing in October, Casey was charged with first degree murder and pled not guilty.
On December 11, Caylee's skeletal remains were found with a blanket inside a trash bag in a wooded area near the family home.Investigative reports and trial testimony alternated between duct tape being found near the front of the skull and on the mouth of the skull.The medical examiner mentioned duct tape as one reason she ruled the death a homicide, but officially listed it as "death by undetermined means".

Baez admitted that Casey had lied about there being a nanny named Zenaida Fernandez-Gonzales and questioned whether Roy Kronk, the meter reader who found the bones, actually had removed them from another location. He alleged the police department botched the investigation because of their desire to feed a media frenzy about a child’s murder rather than a more mundane drowning.

The prosecution called the chief medical examiner Dr. Jan Garavaglia to the stand, who testified that she determined Caylee's manner of
death to be homicide but listed it as "death by undetermined means".
Garavaglia took into account the physical evidence present on the
remains she examined, as well as all the available information on the
way they were found and what she had been told by the authorities,
before arriving at her determination. "We know by our observations that
it's a red flag when a child has not been reported to authorities with
injury, there's foul play," Garavaglia said. " ... There is no child
that should have duct tape on [the lower part of] its face when it
dies." Additionally, Garavaglia addressed the chloroform evidence found
by investigators inside the trunk of Casey Anthony's car, testifying
that even a small amount of chloroform would be sufficient to cause the
death of a child.
University of Florida professor and human identification laboratory director Michael Warren
was brought on by the prosecution to present a computer animation of the
way duct tape could have been used in the death of the child, which the
defense objected to hearing. Judge Perry, after a short recess to
review, ruled that the video could be shown to the jury. The animation
featured a picture of Caylee Anthony taken alongside Casey Anthony,
superimposed with an image of Caylee's decomposed skull, and another
with a strip of duct tape that was recovered with her remains. The
images were slowly brought together showing that the duct tape could
have covered her nose and mouth. Baez stated, "This disgusting
superimposition is nothing more than a fantasy ...They're throwing
things against the wall and seeing if it sticks." Jurors were seen
taking notes of the imagery, and Warren testified that it was his
opinion that the duct tape found with Caylee's skull was placed there
before her body began decomposing.
The defense called two government witnesses who countered prosecution
witness testimony about the duct tape. The chief investigator for the
medical examiner stated that the original placement of the duct tape was
unclear and it could have shifted positions as he collected the
remains - Wowie it shifted, why the fuck was there duct tape on her mouth if she "drowned"
Cindy Anthony testified that their family buried their pets in blankets and plastic bags, using duct tape to seal the opening.(Yes Mother's should love their children unconditionally but HOLY HELL where do you draw the line)

(WHAT THE FUCK - surely people she worked with could've been called to verify that either she wasn't there as she claimed, or that she was there and is perjuring herself to get her daughter off!!!)

The defense then called Roy Kronk, who recounted the same basic story
he told police about his discovery of Caylee Anthony's remains in
December 2008.
He acknowledged receiving $5,000 after the remains were identified, but
denied that he told his son that finding the body would make him rich
and famous.The next day, his son testified he had made such statements
On June 30, the defense called Krytal Holloway, a volunteer in the search for Caylee, who said, she had an affair with George Anthony, had told her that Caylee's death was "an accident that snowballed out of control." Under cross-examination by prosecutors, they pointed to her sworn police statement in which she says George Anthony believes it was an accident, rather than knowing that it was. In her initial report, Holloway reported George Anthony saying, "I really believe that it was an accident that just went wrong and (Casey Anthony) tried to cover it up." She said he had not told her he was present when the alleged accident occurred.During redirect examination, Baez asked Holloway if Anthony told her Caylee was dead while stating publicly she was missing, and she said yes.
After Holloway's testimony, Judge Perry told jurors that it could be
used to impeach George Anthony's credibility, but that it was not proof
of how Caylee died and/or evidence of Casey Anthony's guilt or
On July 5th, 2011 the Jury found Casey Anthony : NOT GUILTY on First-Degree Murder, Aggravated Manslaughter of a Child, or Aggravated Child Abuse. She was found guilty on four misdemeanor counts of providing false information to a law enforcement officer. There are a lot of things "Lacking" in South-Africa but this WOULD NEVER HAVE HAPPENED IN A SOUTH-AFRICAN COURT!!! Here we look at physical evidence, motive you know the basics.
It absolutely boggles my mind :The prosecution provided solid evidence backed by science, the defense provided at the very least hear say - they DID NOT offer any explanation as to how the drowning occured, nor a valid reason as to why Casey showed no signs of loss (footage of her partying mere days after supposed drowning). They created a malicious lie to create distraction.
This case was a huge media whore because of the controversy it created in the public, mainly because anyone with half a brain could see that the jury got this one wrong. Several rappers used this case as lyrics,
"The shit I’m doin’ this year? Insanity/ Made the beat then murdered
it: Casey Anthony," said comedian Donald Glover, under his hip-hop
moniker Childish Gambino.
Eminem has a profanity-laced smackdown about Anthony in a few lines of "Shady 2.0 Cypher."

"Is puke luke warm? Should Casey Anthony do porn?/ Can that chick fit a newborn dead baby inside a freakin' shoebox/ With a shoehorn, smothered in chloroform so she can go get her groove on?"
The public was more than outraged. So much so that the juror's names were kept quiet for a while after the verdict for fear of public vigilantism against them.
Casey Anthony is currently fighting various charges, let's hope the bitch goes down for at least one of them!
On July 5th, 2011 the Jury found Casey Anthony : NOT GUILTY on First-Degree Murder, Aggravated Manslaughter of a Child, or Aggravated Child Abuse. She was found guilty on four misdemeanor counts of providing false information to a law enforcement officer. There are a lot of things "Lacking" in South-Africa but this WOULD NEVER HAVE HAPPENED IN A SOUTH-AFRICAN COURT!!! Here we look at physical evidence, motive you know the basics.
It absolutely boggles my mind :The prosecution provided solid evidence backed by science, the defense provided at the very least hear say - they DID NOT offer any explanation as to how the drowning occured, nor a valid reason as to why Casey showed no signs of loss (footage of her partying mere days after supposed drowning). They created a malicious lie to create distraction.
This case was a huge media whore because of the controversy it created in the public, mainly because anyone with half a brain could see that the jury got this one wrong. Several rappers used this case as lyrics,

Eminem has a profanity-laced smackdown about Anthony in a few lines of "Shady 2.0 Cypher."

"Is puke luke warm? Should Casey Anthony do porn?/ Can that chick fit a newborn dead baby inside a freakin' shoebox/ With a shoehorn, smothered in chloroform so she can go get her groove on?"
The public was more than outraged. So much so that the juror's names were kept quiet for a while after the verdict for fear of public vigilantism against them.
Casey Anthony is currently fighting various charges, let's hope the bitch goes down for at least one of them!
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