Thursday, 19 May 2016


As I'm sure you've all noticed I like my #TechStocks, #LifestyleStocks and #RenewableEnergyStocks. Today my top 5 must #BUY #TechStocks for 2016 - these are for the med-long term expect maximum returns - the rapid growth will be seen starting in about 2- 3 years (when the rest of the world catches on) but if you are willing for to wait a little longer the rewards you will reap for "getting in early" will be ASTRONOMICAL.

1. APPL - Apple Inc - Apple will remain sought after and cool as long as we have creative people roaming the earth - nuff said. Once you go Mac you NEVER EVER go back! (Let's face it people it's not early to get in with Apple but had you gotten in earlier you'd be smiling all the way to the bank now - these guys ain't going anywhere but onwards and upwards)

2.CSCO - Cisco Systems - Absolute Pioneers in the networking/communications/telecoms industry - I remember taking a networking course through Cisco a good 14 Yrs ago and even then the absolute genius of their networking designs were obvious. Fast forward to the early 2000's with the world switching to VOIP, most people using VOIP systems have Cisco PBX's, whether they know it or not - look down at your phone, do you see the Cisco logo?  Not only that but most soft switches, routers, fiber -optics and networking patches also stemmed from their original design and genius. This company is by far not done with evolving and will continue to innovate and bring new exciting technologies to both private and corporate consumers (on a Global scale)

3.MU Micron Technology Inc. -They manufacture semiconductors for the electronics industry. Specifically, the company produces DRAM (dynamic random access memory) and NAND/NOR flash memory.
4. GLW - Corning Inc. - They manufacture high-quality ceramic and glass material for consumer and industrial applications. They are predominantly known for their incredibly durable Gorilla Glass product line, commonly found on the face of consumer devices such as navigation systems,smartphones,tablets, e-readers apart from this stronghold on consumer devices, they're very well diversified and produce various environmental materials, fiber-optic products and other specialty materials.
5. TSM Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing - The name says it all.
With the IoT growing rapidly and the world evolving into a "connected" and "smart" environment at the speed of light, these bad boys are all good to have in your deck - As Kenny Rogers would say "you gotta know when to hold em, know when to fold em, know when to walk away, know when to run..." 
The world of VR is also fast approaching, I am currently exploring what the various tech companies have to offer and will be back with my pick for leader of the pack!